Apr 24, 2022 scott Scott: Crit Sometimes the world gives me a garland of fears, a skin-vexing hair shirt, a bucket of tears. Sometimes it allows me ineffable cheer, the beauty of heavens, the music of spheres.
Apr 21, 2022 anne Anne: Lunacy Have you ever watched the moon rise on the ocean on a bright summer night when all the stars are out and by their light alone, you see your shadow?
Apr 21, 2022 barry Barry: Innocence We are in life for just a while between time and eternity with no navigational instruments, no sextant and no chart; we live in context.
Mar 25, 2022 hannah Hannah: Fingers Fingers tapping on the table, on the forehead, on the window, shuffling papers thin as tinfoil, pouring corn flakes, wiping mirrors.
Mar 19, 2022 amelia Amelia: Garden Story Sitting at the table under the tree canopy, a book in one hand, the other mindlessly rubbing your temple, you lose track of time.